
Quality of living in the Housing Estates of the socialist and post-socialist era: a comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia



Project description

Quality living in socialist-era and post-socialist housing estates: a comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia​

Housing is one of the basic and most complex human goods. It is defined by many characteristics that determine the quality of living. In this research project, we treat housing as a good with physical and substantive characteristics, which are important indicators of its useful value or key indicators for measuring any changes in residents’ social values, which are reflected in their comprehension, perception, and needs regarding quality of living. In doing so, we focus on living in housing estates that were built under the socialist political and economic system and the subsequent transition to a market economy system (the post-socialist period). We proceed from the hypothesis that the changed social circumstances that characterize the post-socialist period have brought the residents new expectations regarding quality of living, which (may) consequently mean that housing estates from the socialist period have become less attractive to live in, because the residents have higher expectations or demands for a better housing standard and better quality of the residential environment due to changed values with regard to quality of living in housing estates. The study is designed to be comparative, because we are testing the hypothesis in two countries, Slovenia and Croatia, which share the same foundation for the emergence of the large housing estates built during the socialist period. Both were constituent parts of socialist Yugoslavia. Like in other socialist countries of central and eastern Europe, the construction of these housing estates continued in Yugoslavia until the late 1980s. It ended only after the collapse of Yugoslavia and the introduction of a new sociopolitical and economic system, when new typologies of collective housing construction began to emerge. Housing estates of the post-socialist period usually include smaller individual residential buildings, with a smaller number of apartments and a lower number of residents. This primarily applies to Slovenia, whereas in Croatia the construction of high-density housing estates continued during the post-socialist period, which means that housing construction differences began to emerge between the two countries during the post-socialist period. However, despite these changes and differences, the large socialist-era housing estates in both countries still represent an important type of the housing environment, or a significant proportion of the total housing stock, which we assume (given the hypothesis) to be inadequate for quality living due to obsolescence and changed values, and which needs thorough regeneration. Nevertheless, neither of these countries has adopted a national strategy for regenerating large housing estates, or guidelines to ensure a better quality of the housing and living environment. This research project’s ultimate goal, therefore, is to define—from the quality of living perspective—guidelines and recommendations for the appropriate regeneration of housing estates from the socialist period and the design of new housing estates that can be used in both Slovenia and Croatia. The basis for formulating proposals for preparing both national strategies will be the set of similarities and differences in perceptions and comprehension of the quality of living among housing estate residents, and their needs stemming from the new lifestyle values. From this perspective the research will be original, and the guidelines developed will be relevant to other central and eastern European post-socialist countries, especially those that were once part of Yugoslavia. This research is also of particular importance methodologically, because participatory data collection methods will be used: participatory action research, user-led research, and open democratic forum. It is precisely the lack of public participation in defining problems and solutions that has been a frequent (and frequently criticized) problem in post-socialist countries.


Project team

The project team includes established Slovenian experts from Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia and Croatian experts from Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Institute of Economics and Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb.

Project leader of Slovenian experts:

  • Dr. Richard Sendi, Research Councillor (Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia).

Project leader of Croatian experts:

Project team members in Slovenia:

  • Associate Professor Dr. Boštjan Kerbler, Professional Research Councillor (Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia),
  • Dr. Barbara Goličnik Marušić, Research Councillor (Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia),
  • Assistant Professor Dr. Matej Nikšič, Senior Research Associate (Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia).

Project team members in Croatia:

SICRIS/CROSBI classifications:

Richard SendiAnđelina Svirčić Gotovac, Boštjan KerblerBarbara Goličnik MarušićMatej NikšičJelena Zlatar GamberožićRatko ĐokićMirjana Adamović, Anamaria KlasićSonja PodgorelecŽeljka Kordej-De VillaTihomir Jukić


Project phases

Project phases and their realization

The research project will last three years (36 months) and is divided into six work packages:

  1. Development and characteristics of housing estates in Slovenia and Croatia (6 months)
  2. Standards and criteria for quality living in housing estates and strategies for the regeneration and planning of socialist-era and post-socialist housing estates (10 months)
  3. Perceptions, needs, shortcomings, and recommendations regarding quality of living in housing estates (14 months)
  4. Guidelines for the regeneration and planning of housing estates in terms of ensuring adequate and desired quality of living (10 months)
  5.  Disseminating new insights and transfer of knowledge (36 months)
  6. Project management and coordination (36 months)



Reference arising directly from the project implementation:

  • Svirčić Gotovac, A., idr. (2024): IDIZ's participation in the XVI ESA conference (in Croatian).  Zagreb, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. To access the news click here.
  • Kerbler, B., Sendi, R., Šeme, A. (2023): Comparison of the quality of life in housing estates from socialist and post-socialist era: The case of Slovenia. In: Grum, B. (ed.): 8th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate: 2023 CIRRE Conference: Belgrade, Serbia, October 2023: Book of proceedings. Ljubljana, Institute of Real Estate Studies, pp. 597–611. [COBISS.SI-ID 172817667]. To access the article click here.
  • Kerbler, B., Sendi, R., Šeme, A., Brezovar, Ž., Hurtado Monarres, M., Balant, N., Koščak, R. (2023): Kakovost bivanja v starejših in novejših večstanovanjskih soseskah [Quality of living in older and newer housing estates] (in Slovenian). Professional monograph. Ljubljana, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, 56 p. [COBISS.SI-ID 176801539]. To access the book click here (in Slovenian).

  • Kerbler, B., Šeme, A., Hurtado Monarres, M., Sendi, R. (2023): Primerjava kakovosti bivanja v socialističnih in postsocialističnih večstanovanjskih soseskah [Comparison of the quality of living in socialist and post-socialist housing estates] (in Slovenian). Urbani izziv, special issue, 5, pp. 19–61.  [COBISS.SI-ID 181619459]. To access the article click here (in Slovenian).
  • Kerbler, B., Sendi, R., Šeme, A. (2023): Quality of living in socialist and post-socialist housing estates in Slovenia. In: Grum, B. (ed.): 8th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate: 2023 CIRRE Conference: Belgrade, Serbia, October 2023: Book of abstracts. Ljubljana, Institute of Real Estate Studies, pp. 24. [COBISS.SI-ID 172817667]. To access the contribution click here.
  • Klasić, A., Đokić, R. (2023): The role of neighbourly relations and cooperation in residents’ willingness to renovate multi-family buildings in Croatia. Critical Housing Analysis10(2), pp. 1–14. To access the article click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A., Ursić, S., Vukić, J. (2023): Overall layout of socialist and post-socialist large housing estates in Croatia.  V: Shrenk, M. et al. (eds.): REAL CORP 2023: LET IT GROW, LET US PLAN, LET IT GROW. Nature-based solutions for sustainable resilient smart green and blue cities. Book of proceedings. CORP – Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 18–20 September 2023, pp. 595–602. To access the article click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A., et al. (2023): Notice of publication of the article in the conference proceedings REAL CORP 2023. Notifications list, 29 September 2023. To access the news click here.
  • Sendi, R., Šeme, A., Kerbler, B. (2023): Housing satisfaction: A comparison between post-Second World War large housing estates and post-socialist multifamily residential neighbourhoods in Slovenia. Sustainability15(18), pp. 13390. To access the article click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A., et al. (2023): Participation of the HESC project team in the REAL CORP 2023 conference. Notifications list, 21 September 2023. To access the news click here.
  • Sendi, R., Kerbler, B., Šeme, A. (2023): Housing satisfaction: A comparison between post-second world war large housing estates and post-socialist multifamily residential neighbourhoods. Urban regeneration: shines and shadows. Book of abstracts. European Network for Housing Research (ENHR), Lodz, Poland, 2830 June 2023, p. 141. To access the article click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A. (2023): Kvaliteta života – Zgrade su najlošije ocijenjene (in Croatian). Zgradonač,  7 September 2023. To access the news click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A.,et al. (2023): Zašto se želimo preseliti i što utječe na tu odluku (in Croatian). Zgradonač,  7 August 2023. To access the news click here.
  • Cvetko, J. (2023): Istražujemo: kakva je kvaliteta života u POS naseljima u Hrvatskoj? Rezultati će vas iznenaditi (in Croatian). Jutranji list, 26 August 2023. To access the news click here.
  • Grgas, G. (2023): N1 analiza: Eksperti i ljevica za stambenu politiku kao u Beču, Vlada kalkulira (in Croatian). N1, 31 August 2023. To access the news click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A., et al. (2023): Participation of the HESC project team in the annual ENHR conference. Notifications list, 7 July 2023. To access the news click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A., et al. (2023): Management and maintenance of multi-family buildings in Croatia: perspective of co-owners’ representatives. Notifications list, 28 June 2023. To access the news click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A., Đokić, R., Adamović, M. (2023): Management and maintenance of multi-family buildings in Croatia: perspective of co-owners’ representatives. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. To access the article click here.
  • Cvetko, J. (2023): Neočekivani podaci istraživanja: tko je zadovoljniji životom u svojim zgradama i naseljima, Hrvati ili Slovenci? (in Croatian). Jutranji list, 3th June 2023. To access the news click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A., Đokić, R. (2023): Osnovni pregled rezultata o kvaliteti života u stambenim naseljima iz socijalističkog i postsocijalističkog razdoblja u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji (in Croatian)Zagreb, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. To access the study click here.
  • Sendi, R., Kerbler, B. (2022): Quality of living in the housing estates in Slovenia: Preliminary analysis of survey results. In: Grum. B. (ed.): 7th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate. Book of proceeding. Ankara, Turkey, 14–15 October 2022, pp. 196–215. To access the article click here.
  • Sendi, R., Kerbler, B. (2022): Post-Second World War mass housing estates and market economy multifamily housing neighbourhoods in Slovenia: A comparison. The struggle for the “Right to Housing”: The pressures of globalization and affordability in cities today. Book of abstracts. European Network for Housing Research (ENHR), Barcelona, Spain, p. 197. To access the article click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A. (2022): HESC project team participated in the ENHR conference in Barcelona. Zagreb, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. To access the news click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A. (2022):  European Network for Housing Research membership. Zagreb, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. To access the news click here.
  • Đokić, R., Svirčić Gotovac, A., Adamović, M. (2022): Summary results of the survey of representatives of co-owners in apartment buildings in Zagreb and other Croatian cities (in Croatian)Zagreb, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. To access the report click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A., et al. (2021): Rezultati istraživanja – Zgrade u RH su osrednje, ne shvaća se vlasništvo, a želi se naprijed (in Croatian). Zgradonač To access the news click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A., et al. (2021): European Network for Housing Research – News from members: Ongoing project Quality of living in the housing estates of the socialist and postsocialist era: A comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia (2020–2023)ENHR Newsletter, 4(December), pp. 19–20. To access the news click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A., Podgorelec, S., Kordej-De Villa, Ž. (2021): The quality of life in housing estates in the context of Westeuropean and post-socialist countries. Geoadria, 23(2), pp. 1–21. To access the article click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A., Zlatar Gamberožić, J., Podgorelec, S., Jukić, T., Kordej-De villa, Ž. (2021): Quality of life in housing estates from the socialist and post-socialist periods: A comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia (in Croatian)Zagreb, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. To access the report click here.
  • Svirčić Gotovac, A., Zlatar Gamberožić, J., Nikšič, M. (2021): Public participation in post-communist cities between stagnation and progress: The examples of Zagreb and Ljubljana. Urbani izziv, 32(1), pp. 75–84. [COBISS.SI-ID 70014723] To access the article click here.

  • Sendi, R., Kerbler, B. (2021): The evolution of multifamily housing: Post-Second World War large housing estates versus post-socialist multifamily housing types in Slovenia. Sustainability13(18), pp. 10363. To access the article click here.

  • Kerbler, B., Svirčić Gotovac, A. (eds.) (2021): Quality living in socialist-era and post-socialist housing estates: a comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia (HESC). References in alphabetical order – results of the first and second work packages. Ljubljana, Zagreb, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. To access the report click here.

  • Kerbler, B., Svirčić Gotovac, A. (eds.) (2021): Quality living in socialist-era and post-socialist housing estates: a comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia (HESC). References by topics – results of the first and second work packages. Ljubljana, Zagreb, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. To access the report click here.


Dr. Richard Sendi (project leader)
Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
Trnovski pristan 2, 1000 Ljubljana


Assistant Professor Dr. Anđelina Svirćić Gotovac (project leader)
Institute for Social Research in Zagreb
Amruševa 11/II, 10000 Zagreb


The research project is supported by the Slovenian Research Agency
Grant numbers: J5-2569



The research project is supported by the Croatian Science Foundation
Grant numbers: IPS-2020-01-7036


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